How Can I Help?
January, 2025
Loudoun County Shelter House
HUMC started assisting the staff of the Shelter House on November 25, 2024; we are still learning our role and if this is a good fit. HUMC is committed through March 31st.
The Shelter House
19520 Meadowview Ct.
Leesburg Va 20175
Two volunteers are needed for each 2 hour session once a month for the following dates:
Jan. 27: 6pm-8pm and 8pm-10pm
Feb. 24: 6pm-8pm and 8pm-10pm
Mar. 31: 6pm-8pm and 8pm-10pm
Volunteer Support Role Duties:
-Assisting with clients moving between Shelter House and Youth Center
-Possible light cleaning
-Assisting clients with locking up belongings
-Answering phones
-Being available as needed to support clients and staff
Requirements for volunteers:
-Volunteer Training (Training video is available online.)
-Background check by HUMC
-Volunteers must be 18 years or older
If you are interested, please contact Deb Frankovich at Walmart and Giant gift cards are available to support shopping for groceries for this increased number of clients. See Robin in the church office for card access.
Loudoun County Hypothermia Center
Join us in supporting the Loudoun County Hypothermia Shelter by providing a nutritious breakfast for 45 to 50 homeless adults on Wednesday mornings through March 31, 2025. All of the instructions you need to join in this mission opportunity are included in the 2024-2025 Hypothermia Shelter Breakfast SignUp Genius in the Friday email or on our website. NOTE: Please deliver the meal Tuesday before 5:00pm for the Wednesday morning breakfast. Walmart and Giant gift cards are available to support shopping for groceries for this increased number of clients. See Robin in the church office for card access.
Loudoun Hunger Relief
Donate items for Collection Sunday, the 4th Sunday of the month. The list of items that are needed can be found on HUMC’s newsletter/bulletin or LHR’s website/Facebook page. Donations can be dropped off in the social hall.
Pet Food Donations
Loudoun Hunger Relief collections will now include donations of dry and canned dog and cat food. The donated food will be distributed on alternating months to the Loudoun County Pet Pantry and Clarke County Animal Services.
Donations can be dropped off with the Loudoun Hunger Relief donations in the social hall.
Little Pantry
Help is needed with the Little Pantry. Sign up for a month through the link below. For the month you are signed up for, please check the Little Pantry twice a week to see if food needs to be added, once early in the week, and once later in the week. Restock as necessary with 3 – 4 breakfast/dinner/snack items from the cabinet in the church. Food is provided and is kept at the church, but whoever is stocking the Little Pantry is welcome to take some of the food home so they can restock when they are available and are not limited to when the church is open. If you have an availability problem, it can be restocked once a week. If necessary, Robin has said she is willing to help. Judy and Roxanne will keep the food cabinet full of food items to restock the Little Pantry.
Backpack Buddies
Continuing through the school year.
Pennies for Potatoes
Drop off spare change in the large water bottles by HUMC’s doorways or contribute directly to the Society of St. Andrew at See Mary Preston with questions.