Volunteer Opportunities for the month of December:
How Can I Help
Providing Wednesday Morning Breakfast
This year, HUMC will be supporting the Loudoun County Hypothermia Shelter for homeless adults by supplying breakfast once a week on Wednesday morning to 45 to 50 individuals. This is an increase from last year as the demand for shelter services continues to increase. All of the instructions you need to join in this mission opportunity are included below.
Please be prepared to deliver the meal Tuesday before 5:00 pm for the Wednesday morning breakfast.
Additional Volunteering opportunities for the CWS (coming soon)
HUMC has been participating with a group of local churches to seek solutions to the overcrowding at the Homeless Services site that becomes more acute during Hypothermia Shelter months. More information is coming soon regarding volunteering to assist more with this urgent need. (Contact Deb Frankovich at debfrankovich@gmail.com)
Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue Systems hosts an annual coat drive every year. Last year they partnered with Mobile Hope and One Warm Coat to help Loudoun County residents in need. We anticipate they will conduct another drive this fall and Missions is planning to join in this donation opportunity. We will also invite the community to join us. We will be collecting gently used or new coats, jackets, scarves, hats, and gloves. Missions will deliver to a fire and rescue station. If you would like to donate to this service opportunity, which usually begins in early November, please keep this upcoming collection in mind. The timeframe for collection will be announced as we learn more information.
See the volunteer schedule below:
Backpack Buddies Schedule 2024-2025 (2)
We are looking for stewards to restock and manage the well-used Ted Cody Memorial Food Pantry. Thank you for considering joining in this low-stress, flexible time commitment mission at HUMC. When you sign up for a month, you are asked to please check the pantry on Sunday or the beginning of the week to see if food needs to be added and later in the week (Wednesday or Thursday). Restock the pantry as needed with 3 to 4 breakfast/dinner/snack items.
Judy Fry and Roxanne Tipton will continue to keep our food cabinet (in the stairwell behind the kitchen) full for stocking the pantry. If it should happen to get low during your month, just call, text, or email Judy or Roxanne.
Roxanne – 540-454-4654; tipton04@aol.com
Judy – 540-338-4714; jfry2011@yahoo.com
Sign up to join in: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d45a8ae23a64-food#/
Loudoun Cares (loudouncares.org) is a County-wide umbrella organization that seeks to connect people in need with locally available services. They collect and disseminate opportunities to volunteer via an online website that allows you to search for the need that best fits your gifts or passion. Examples of the vital services they connect Loudoun residents with include rent assistance, job services, and emergency interventions. Their Volunteer Center (https://www.loudouncares.org/volunteer/) has a section for those who want to volunteer as well as those who want to list volunteer opportunities. Literature with more information and to learn about this community connector is available in the HUMC breezeway. You can also call them at 703-669-4636.
Fourth Sunday Food Collection for Loudoun Hunger Relief. Please see the list below of the items that are frequently needed. They also accept grocery cards. Thank you for your generous donations throughout the year!
Don’t forget we are also now collecting pet food for Loudoun County Pet Pantry and the Clarke County Animal Shelter (delivering on alternating months). You can donate your items in the marked bins in the social hall.
- Dry beans
2. Whole grain pasta, rice
3. Fresh fruits & vegetables
4. Whole grain cereal
5. Canned meats (tuna or chicken)
6. Healthy cooking oil (ex: olive)
7. Peanut butter
8. Low Sodium soups (under 350mg per serving)