Summer Camp Registration Child InformationSummer Camp is open to rising kindergarten through 5th grade.Child Name* First Last Age*Gender* Male Female Last grade completed*School Name*Parent / Guardian InformationMother / Guardian Name* First Last Father / Guardian Name First Last Email Address* Home PhoneCell PhoneEmergency InformationEmergency Contact* First Last Phone*Allergies or Medical InformationDoes child carry an Epi-Pen?* No Yes Who has permission to pick up child?*Use the + icon to add additional names. Who does NOT have permission to pick up child?Use the + icon to add additional names. Special needs or other information to share with camp directorsCamp InformationCamp cost is $100/week per child. Please check the camps you are registering for.Camps* Select All Fun & Fitness Camp: July 13-17 (limit 25) Art Camp: July 20-24 (limit 25) LEGO Camp: July 27-31 (limit 35) PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.