Join us for Youth Group every Sunday morning starting at 11:15am, right after worship. Fun, food, and fellowship. Lunch will be served so bring a friend!! Please visit our signup genius below to help as an assistant leader and/or to provide a meal.
Harmony United Methodist Church
People who love God serving people whom God loves.
380 East Colonial Hwy, Hamilton, VA 20158 (540) 338-2937, Preschool (540) 338-0510
by Robin Good
Join us for Youth Group every Sunday morning starting at 11:15am, right after worship. Fun, food, and fellowship. Lunch will be served so bring a friend!! Please visit our signup genius below to help as an assistant leader and/or to provide a meal.
380 East Colonial Hwy
Hamilton, VA
540-338-2937 Church
540-338-0510 Preschool